Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Top 5 This Week

Judiciary Deploys 35 Newly Appointed Judicial Officers To Rank Of Magistrates Grade I

The judiciary has deployed 35 newly appointed judicial officers at the rank of Magistrates Grade I and transferred at least 58 other Magistrates.

In the new deployments and transfers, Ngongwe, Nyenga, Rubindi and Ntuusi get substantive Magistrates Grade I.

The Chief Justice, Alfonse Owiny – Dollo welcomed the deployments and changes noting that this is work towards the realization of the judiciary transformation agenda.

“ I am very happy to see that we now have 407 Magistrates Grade I. Our vision of enhancing access to justice is becoming a reality with each phase of recruitment of Judicial Officers.”

He urged the new Judicial Officers to always serve with utmost humility and integrity and make upright decisions without fear, favour, malice, compassion, affection, discrimination or ill-will.

The Chief Justice urged the Judicial Officers to give effect to the aspirations of the new Judiciary which are summarized in the Judiciary Strategic Plan V (2020/2021 to 2024/2025)

Communicating the deployments, the Chief Registrar,  Sarah Langa Siu, explained, that the transfers and deployments are geared at effective and efficient service delivery to the people of Uganda.

“For some stations with high caseloads, we have deployed more Magistrates to handle the work and I have no doubt that case backlog among this cadre of Officers will reduce significantly,” she said.

“We are working towards ensuring that the public achieves justice quickly and easily. This is in line with our Institutional Vision which is “Justice for All”.

She urged all the judicial officers to adhere to the principles of independence, impartiality, integrity, propriety, equality, competence and diligence as stipulated in the Uganda Code of Judicial Conduct.

The deployments take immediate effect while the transfers are effective January 6, 2025.

1HW Nambozo SanulaBuganda RoadBusunju
2HW Nabafu AgnesHigh CourtPallisa
3HW Drajiru SamsaNamungalweAtanga
4HW Nuwagira HillaryBwera/Lake KatweKyenjojo
5HW Ikyimaana FaridaKayungaWakiso
6HW Namukasa HamidahRukungiriKiruhura
7HW Nanjala AidahOyamMakindye
8HW Amongin Eva OteuCommercial Court (Chambers of Hon. LadyJustice Susan Abinyo)Ngongwe
9HW Kibeedi PeaceLand Division (Chambers of Lady Justice ElizabethAlividza)Njeru
10HW Kahunde KhadijaCivil Division (Chambersof Hon. Justice Musa Ssekaana)Ntungamo
11HW Apaderet MarionLand Division (Chambersof Hon. Justice Bernard NamanyaMatugga
12HW Kakoma EdgarMukono High Court(Chambers of Hon. Lady Justice Christine Kaahwa)Amolatar
13HW Ola GabrielGulu High Court(Chambers of Hon. Justice George Okello)Lamwo
14HW Mushime MosesFort Portal High Court(Chambers of Hon. Justice Vincent Mugabo)Buhweju
15HW Namwanje SarahJinja High Court (Chambers of Hon. LadyJustice Farida Bukirwa)Oyam
16HW Talemwa JohnsonRukungiri High Court (Chambers of Hon. JusticeTom Chemutai)Buvuma
17HW Orishaba IsabellaCourt of Appeal (Chambers of Hon. JusticeCheborion Barishaki)Bulambuli
18HW Adong Molly AliceAdukuStandards, Utilities and WildlifeCourt
19HW Akoko Patrick SynclaireBudakaNakaloke
20HW Kavuma DenisBuhwejuNamungalwe
21HW Butoto Hassan MasabaAmolatarKayunga
22HW Ayebare DaphineFort PortalNakawa
23HW Muwonge WilliamFort PortalKawempe
24HW Ndiwalana YunusuIgangaMengo
25HW Olupot PascalKabaleKajjansi
26HW Ackline KembabaziKaberamaidoMengo
27HW Rwingabo RogerKapchorwaMengo
28HW Asingwire FaithBusunjuLuwero
29HW Kaiza Elias AbdallahKiruhuraMasaka
30HW Oonyu VincentLamwoKapchorwa
31HW Ajam InnocensiaMaracha/NyadriKalongo
32HW Afoyorwoth Winny EpiphanyKumiIganga
33HW Kwagala Faith IreneKyarusoziKayunga
34HW Baguma AronBuvumaKaberamaido
35HW Atto Franca OkelloLuweroKakumiro
36HW Twongyeirwe JoshuaMasakaNyenga
37HW Biwaga SelsaMasindiMasaka
38HW Walutsyo Martin ShiraraMbararaBudaka
39HW Joanita MuwanikaMengoCommercial Court (Chambers ofHon. Lady Justice Susan Abinyo)
40HW Mugezi AmonRubaga/NateeteFort Portal
41HW Ssenoga JumaMorotoMbale
42HW Buhungiro BenjaminMoyoMbarara
43HW Ahurira PraiseMatuggaMukono
44HW Jjagwe RaymondAmudatSembabule
45HW Nyamwenge ImmaculateNakawaKakiri –in charge
46HW Isingoma PeterKarugutuSoroti
47HW Namubiru MariamNtungamoRubindi
48HW Namara CarolineNwoyaKakiri
49HW Kyembe KarimAtiakPallisa
50HW Ngamije Mbale FaishalObongiKasese
51HW Ogwal SmithKalongoAduku
52HW Nantongo SarahPallisaFort Portal
53HW Wananda RichardSembabuleNtuusi/Matete
54HW Namankati AnnetBulambuliSironko
55HW Tumuhimbise NauseSorotiRubaga/Nateete
56HW Owomugisha SienaStandardsFort Portal
57HW Murungi EstherIbandaJudicial Training Institute
58HW Waidhuba Steven JohnsonMukonoKawempe
1HW Nassali JoanitaMagistrate Grade IRukungiri
2HW Atoo Patricia DollicaMagistrate Grade IKagango
3HW Namuyaga EnidMagistrate Grade INebbi
4HW Nakyeyune JoweriaMagistrate Grade ILand Division (Chambers of Hon.Justice Aisha Batala)
5HW Nakkazi Juliet RuthMagistrate Grade ICourt of Appeal (Chambers ofHon. Justice Cheborion Barishaki)
6HW      Muwanga           IsaacErnestMagistrate Grade IJinja
7HW Mujuni JanuarioMagistrate Grade IBukwo
8HW Mugisa PatrickMagistrate Grade IKanungu
9HW     Atuhaire          PreciousNamaraMagistrate Grade IMaracha/Nyadri
10HW Naturinda RitahMagistrate Grade IRukungiri High Court (Chambersof Hon. Justice Tom Chemutai)
11HW Ssebandeke RonaldMagistrate Grade IFort Portal High Court (Chambersof Hon. Justice Vincent Mugabo)
12HW Mugisa BasaijaMagistrate Grade IMoroto
13HW Nagooli AnnahMagistrate Grade IGulu High Court                              (Chambers ofHon. Justice George Okello)
14HW Nandutu JudithMagistrate Grade ILand Division (Chambers of Hon.Justice Flavia Nabakooza)
15HW Mwesigwa WycliffeMagistrate Grade IKaabong
16HW Amudo AngellaMagistrate Grade ILand Division (Chambers of Hon.
   Justice Benard Namanya)
17HW Kayanja SmithMagistrate Grade IBwizibwera
18HW Apica RebeccaMagistrate Grade INamayingo
19HW Nasasira SheebaMagistrate Grade IMbarara
20HW Atukunda Joan MaaniMagistrate Grade INyarusanje
21HW Ssemukutu JohnMagistrate Grade IKasese High Court (Chambers ofHon. Justice David Makumbi)
22HW Ariokot ProscoviaMagistrate Grade ISerere
23HW Chandiru MillyMagistrate Grade IKabale
24HW Mugambe AbubakerMagistrate Grade IBwera
25HW Mwesigye RonaldMagistrate Grade IObongi
26HW Kembabazi VastineMagistrate Grade IIbanda
27HW       Ongwen             JohnTimothyMagistrate Grade IAtiak
28HW Opolot SimonMagistrate Grade IAmudat
29HW Okello BonifaceMagistrate Grade IKitgum High Court (Chambers ofHon. Justice Phillip Mwaka)
30HW                    NamasembeSpeciozaMagistrate Grade INwoya
31HW Aketo BarbraMagistrate Grade IKyarusozi
32HW Kabwana DerrickMagistrate Grade IMoyo
33HW Namawejje HildahMagistrate Grade ICivil Division (Chambers of Hon.Justice Musa Ssekaana)
34HW Kiirya EmmanuelMagistrate Grade IFort Portal High Court (Chambersof Hon. Justice Vincent Wagona)
35HW Ssempagala HakeemMagistrate Grade IMbale High Court (Chambers ofHon. Justice Farouk Lubega



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