Friday, March 7, 2025

Top 5 This Week

Museveni dragged Uganda into BRICS for selfish reasons – writes George “Voice for the Voiceless”

When a regime leader loses interest in the will of the people and the rule of law, just like Gen. Museveni, one of the signs to highlight this will be taking selfish decisions that would pertinently affect the citizens, without consulting the people through independent government structures like Parliament. 

Museveni, in the past, has always governed Uganda in this manner, just as a father would control his home, with total disregard of what other family members’ opinions may be, selfishly taking decisions that only benefit him and the status quo as he wants it. 

A case in point can be the involving of the UPDF into regional and continental wars without first tabling the idea on the floor of Parliament. In the end some of these missions have proved to be disastrous, with loss of lives involved. 

Quite more disastrous to the country was the UPDF-DRC saga, where Ugandan troops, led by senior officers, were found guilty of stealing valuable minerals and timber in Congo, under the guise of keeping peace. As a result from the International Court of Justice, Uganda was condemned to pay sh1.2 trillion in reparations to Congo, with effect from 2022. This was tax payers money. 

In another reckless twist, in October, 2024, Gen. Museveni succeeded in forcefully dragging Uganda into another establishment – the BRICS bloc, purely for selfish reasons. 

The BRICS bloc, which originally started with autocratic and communist countries Brazil, Russia, India, and China, and later being joined by South Africa, in 2010, was established on grounds of fighting the stronger and superior powers of North America and  Western Europe.

The bloc set out to formulate a new economic force to rival the west, with many interventions among which included a common currency for the member states, which would seek to out compete the US dollar and the Euro.

In effect, this would have adverse effects on Uganda’s tradeglobally because currently, the dollar is still used in more than 80% of global trade, and yet, a BRICS-wide currency is not guaranteed of stability and reliability to drive global trade. However, Gen. Museveni ignored all this when selfishly sending Uganda into such an arrangement.

The bloc also came to change diplomatic relations of developing countries with the West, and consequently change the international order as we know it. 

However, away from the rosy and glittering promises presented by the BRICS, the original member countries all have one thing in common – autocracy. Russia, for example, especially under President Vladimir Putin, has been characterised as a bully not just domestically but also against its neighbours. 

The Russia-Ukraine war is the most recent demonstration of the character of Russia, taking thousands of lives in Ukraine with no remorse. Similarly, Russia has for a long time been involved in supporting other autocratic and brutal governments that have no regard for basic human rights, such as the fallen Syrian government led by Bashar Al-Asaad. 

China, on the other hand, is a profound communist country that has absolutely no interest in the will of its people. The dominance of China over poor African countries should worry every Ugandan because in the near future, countries like Uganda will become puppets and dependants of China due to the heavy debt owed.

With Uganda now joining BRICS where China is a strong founding member, the risks are going to get even more straining. China and Russia have already made it clear that democracy will never be at the centre of decision making in the BRICS bloc. Decisions will be taken basing on the superiority of the original member states of BRICS. This speaks to the fact that going forward, Uganda and other weak member countries will have to sign to whatever declarations passed by the BRICS super powers. This is generational mayhem Gen. Museveni has brought upon the Uganda. 

China and Russia, the economically strongest founding members of BRICS, are intentionally bent on using the expansion of the bloc, including countries like Uganda, to completely cut off their dependence on the US currency and western funds that have existed since World War II. Their intentions (Russia and China) are to ensure that weakercountries depend on them for help and development, something that is likely to destroy the little democracy and freedom that is left. 

Additionally, Uganda joining the BRICS, with the ongoing expansion of the bloc to include more countries, subsequently means that her interests as will be of less significance since there is not much to offer. In turn, Uganda’s economic development will be stalled and suffocated. This will definitely have a trickle-down effect on common Ugandans, who will have to face the increased taxes and debt burden in the short and long run. 

Essentially, BRICS was created by rich countries to benefit rich countries only. When the establishment was being formed, no African country was sitting on the table, yet now, African leaders, like Museveni, who seek support from fellow autocratic states, are now rushing to join the table.

Further effects of Uganda joining the BRICS point to the sanctions that have been imposed on BRICS countries like Russia and China, especially for supporting crimes against humanity. For the war in Ukraine, Russia has faced strict sanctions from Western countries, and in effect, Uganda is likely to suffer for them because of its alliance with Russia. 

As a result of joining BRICS, Uganda suffers further deterioration of its economy and a more volatile political atmosphere. This can be evidenced through the economic and political instability that has already affected the initiators of BRICS. In the past 10 years, Brazil and South Africa have faced collapsing state capacity to combat chronic corruption, recessions and crumbling infrastructure. 

On 31st December, 2024, Uganda was confirmed as a partner state of the BRICS, but since October, 2024, almost three months since Museveni selfishly birthed this idea, he and his government have not yet come out to explain to Ugandans why and how the country got dragged into such a trap.

Worth noting, however, Gen. Museveni was alive to the factthat his idea of endearing Uganda with his like-minded cronies, who have absolutely no space for democracy, would be opposed by many, hence smuggling the country into BRICS without prior consultation with the people of Uganda, who will have to deal with the biting effects of such decisions in the near and far future. 

This clears spells out that fact Museveni only thinks about himself and what would enable him to stay in power, whether it affects the people dangerously or not. 

Therefore, as a well-meaning Ugandan, who labours every day to see a better Uganda with the will of it’s people at the centre of governance and decision making, I cannot stand aside and watch my country drown in autocracy at the hands of one individual. The earlier more Ugandans wake up and demand for better governance, the better for everyone. 



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